How to start cycling

Close view of a cycle pedal

Fancy giving cycling a go? It’s easy!

With bikes and gear to suit all budgets, there’s no need for expensive lycra – and keeping your kit spick and span is easier than you might think, too.

Training for adults and children is also on hand to give you the skills and confidence you need to #GetCycling.

Cycling advice

Cycling for people with disabilities

  • Cycling Otherwise – ‘the site for the not-quite able-bodied cyclist’, with advice, kit reviews, route ideas and information on handcycling.
  • Cycling Projects’ Wheels for All – develops cycling activities with adapted cycles at 50 centres across England and Wales.


  • consider getting some cycle training
  • plan your route
  • be seen – with lights, bright clothing and your position on the road
  • be aware and anticipate movements of vehicles, pedestrians and other cyclists
  • consider wearing a well-fitting bike helmet
  • fit a bell to your bike
  • lock your bike whenever you leave it
  • follow the Highway Code’s Rules for Cyclists.

Insurance for you and your bike

You can buy Personal Accident Insurance to cover you in the event that you injure yourself. You may find that your home insurance will include cover for loss of, or damage to, your bike and accessories, as well as Third Party Protection (check the details carefully). Otherwise, membership of a local or national cycling organisation may offer you insurance.